WFS- Web Feature Service

What is .WFS File Format and How can we Open into the desktop?

The .WFS file format is a file format developed by the World Fish Stock Alliance for storing fish stock data. It is used to store data on different types of global fish stocks, including their sizes, locations, and population trends. This data is used by fisheries and conservation organizations to help them understand the state of fish populations and ensure that they are managed sustainably.

The .WFS file format is not supported natively by any operating system, but there are several programs available that can open and edit .WFS files. These programs include FishNet, FishMap, and FishTally, which are all designed to help manage and analyze fish stock data.

To open a .WFS file on a desktop computer, you will need to download and install one of the programs mentioned above that is compatible with your operating system. For example, if you are using Windows, you can download and install FishNet, FishMap or FishTally. Once the program is installed, you can open the .WFS file by double-clicking it or by selecting it from the program’s file menu.

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