TXT- Plain Text File

About txt File Extension

A TXT file is a standard text document that contains plain text. It is a commonly used file format that can be opened in any text editor or word processor. It is most commonly used for viewing and editing text files, such as source code, readme files, and text-based configuration files.

Common Text Files List

1. .txt
2. .doc
3. .docx
4. .rtf
5. .tex
6. .pdf
7. .csv
8. .html
9. .log
10. .md

How to Open txt File

To open a txt file, you can double-click on it, or right-click on it and choose to open it with a text editor like Notepad, Wordpad, or TextEdit. You can also open it with a programming editor like Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code.

Programs that Open txt Files

Most text editors can open text files, including Notepad on Windows and TextEdit on Mac. Other programs include Atom, Sublime Text, Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Writer, and Vim.

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