GEOTIFF- GeoTIFF Image Format

What is .GeoTIFF File Format and How to Open it?

The GeoTIFF file format is a public domain metadata standard that allows georeferencing information to be embedded within a TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) file. It is a powerful file format that allows users to store, organize, and share georeferenced raster images. The GeoTIFF format is widely supported by a variety of GIS and mapping software packages.

GeoTIFF files are used to store geographic data such as satellite imagery, aerial photography, digital elevation models (DEMs), and land cover data. The GeoTIFF file format stores geographic information such as position, scale, projection, and coordinate system information. This information allows GIS software to accurately interpret and display the data contained in the GeoTIFF file.

GeoTIFF files can be opened with several GIS and mapping software packages. These include ArcGIS, QGIS, and Global Mapper. Additionally, many image viewers such as IrfanView, XnView, and Adobe Photoshop can also open GeoTIFF files.

It is important to note that GeoTIFF files must be opened with compatible GIS software in order to properly interpret and display the geographic information contained in the files.

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