PLIST- property list File

What is . PLIST Format and How can we Open into the desktop?

The PLIST format is a file format used by Apple’s Mac OS X operating system. It is typically used to store application and user preference data. The data is stored in a structured format similar to XML, with information divided into sections and subsections which are easily readable by humans. The file is usually stored in the /Library/Preferences/ folder in a Mac computer.

The PLIST format is supported by various applications such as Xcode, TextEdit, and Property List Editor. It can also be opened with a text editor such as Notepad++. To open a PLIST file on the desktop, simply double-click on the file or right-click and select “Open With” and choose the appropriate program.

The PLIST format is also used in iOS and iPadOS devices to store application data. The data is stored in the /var/mobile/Library/Preferences folder. To access the data, users may need to connect their device to their computer and use a third-party application such as iBackupBot or iExplorer.

ExplorerThe PLIST format is a popular choice for storing application and user preference data due to its flexibility, readability, and compatibility with various programs. It is also a very secure file format, as the data is stored in an encrypted format that is difficult to tamper with.

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