PGM- Portable Gray Map

What is .PGM File Format?

A .pgm file is an image file format developed for the Portable Graymap (PGM) image format. The PGM format is used to store grayscale images, and it is one of the most commonly used formats for storing digital images. It is a very simple and efficient format, and it is widely used in both research and industry.

A .pgm file is an uncompressed image file, meaning that it is not compressed and therefore it occupies a larger amount of disk space than other image formats. Despite this, the PGM format is still popular because it is easy to use and understand. The file consists of a header followed by a binary grayscale image, and the file extension is .pgm.

In order to open a .pgm file, you will need an image editing program that can support this file type. Popular programs that support .pgm files include Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, ImageMagick, and IrfanView. Once you have downloaded and installed the program, you can open the .pgm file by going to the File > Open menu and selecting the file from your computer.

The .pgm file format is also supported by many online image editing programs, such as Pixlr, Photopea, and SumoPaint. To open a .pgm file in these programs, simply upload the file to the program and it will open in the program’s workspace.

In addition to being used to store grayscale images, the .pgm file format can also be used to store text data such as ASCII art. To open a .pgm file containing text data, simply open the file in a text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit.

The .pgm file format is a versatile and efficient format, and it is widely used by both professionals and hobbyists alike. It is easy to use and understand, and it can be opened in many popular image editing programs.

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